Consultancy Services

We offer a variety of consulting services to help our clients make the smooth migration to the Storm solution.

DFT semantics

Explain the semantics of event trees and dynamic fault trees. Redundancies, (probabilistic) functional interdependence, and temporal failure ordering in systems are a few examples.

Resource training

Educate resources on Storm's more complex aspects, such as calculating advanced dependability metrics, calculating casualties and financial losses, modelling system operators' decision-making, and calculating the probability of which choice produces the best outcomes, among other things.

Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)

For all initiating events and hazards, use Storm for Level 1 and Level 2 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).

Migration to dynamic PSA

Upgrade static fault trees and event trees in existing PSA models to their dynamic equivalents, then compare the outcomes.

Custom reliability measures

Use computational tree logic (CSL) to define custom dependability metrics and calculate their outcomes.

Advanced reliability measures

Calculate advanced reliability metrics for fault-tolerant and fail-operational systems, such as the mean time between a degraded state and a system failure.

Importance measures

Use importance measures, such as the Birnbaum index (BI), the risk achievement work (RAW), etc., to ascertain the relative importance of the various system components.

Sound bounded-analysis

Determine sound upper and lower bounds on MTTF and reliability for dynamic systems with large state spaces.

SIL levels of complex systems

Determine the SIL levels of fail-operational/fault-tolerant systems in the domains of nuclear, avionics, automotive, etc.

Resarch & Development

Contribute to R&D projects that examine cutting-edge scientific knowledge to evaluate, e.g., safety systems.

Proof-of-concepts (PoCs)

Create proof-of-concepts (PoCs) that demonstrate the benefits of dynamic fault and event trees over conventional static ones for verifying complex systems' safety features.

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