DGB Technologies understands that the StormGUI tool includes: first.jar, storm, etc.; they are supplied "as is", without expressed or implied warranty. We agree on the following where DGB Technologies is the "Licenser" and (academic/commercial) user is the "Licensee":
- DGB does not have any obligation to provide any maintenance or consulting help concerning the Storm model-checker.
- DGB is not responsible for the correctness of systems verified using Storm or for the correctness of StormGUI itself.
- DGB will never distribute or modify any part of the Storm model-checker source code (and binaries) without the written permission of Dr. Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany).
- With an academic license, the user will only use StromGUI for academic/work research. The user understands that academic work means "work performed by researchers or students at institutions delivering academic degrees". In addition, the work or the worker may not be contracted by any non-academic institution.
- Any use of StormGUI at companies, private use, use at national research agencies, or any other non-academic use requires a license of StormGUI from DGB.
- The user will not use/modify the source code (and binaries) of StormGUI or any part of it for any commercial software product.
- In case of a violation, DGB has the right to cancel the license immediately.
In case new versions of the StormGUI tool are released, they will also fall under all of the above terms.